Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Typical Pro Palestinian Talk Back

The Huffington Post has become a mostly antisemitic breeding ground despite their terms of service which calls for no antisemitic posts. Not all those that criticize Israel are antisemitic, and quite a few are a pleasure to have a discourse with. But then there are the ones that talk back just to read their words in print, or advance their hatred and antisemitic ways, FairuzGhowar is one of them (Not antisemitic, not does Fairuz seems to care for the Palestinians much). Rarely if ever provides substance, and mostly does not know much if anything about the I/P conflict. Here is an average exchange that symbolizes the ignorant Israel detractor who represent the majority of those who talk back in the Israel/Middle East topics. The topic is Fear and Loathing in Israel 2010. Another Ami Kaufman anti Israel non sense.

Avi bemoans that he's seeing racism at every turn, he just can't get a break, racism surrounds him, regardless of where he looks. Part of his cries described a demonstration in Bat Yam, where religious Jews protested that they don't want the Palestinians to hit on their girls. Of course it's absurd, but why is that racism? since when is demonstrating peacefully racism?

Anyway, the exchange that took place between myself and Fairuz is self explanatory:

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