The ever delightfully pleasant Ms. Sharmain Narwani, this time, dehumanizing the Settlers of West Bank, claiming that they are deliberately used as human shields. In fact, she posted that the parents of children in the WB are irresponsible and the children should be taken away, because the children are being put in harms way on purpose.
Needless to say, I responded in kind, and here is what I said:
Needless to say, I responded in kind, and here is what I said:
The argument is logical valid, and most importantly not against the Terms of Service. Yet within minutes, an onslaught of personal attacks commenced. The post though, never violated the terms of service has been scrubbed.
Have a look at these screen shots, how every single post after mine has been in violation of the terms of service, but all got faved, while mine got flagged.

I raised the issue of this abuse in the Huffington Post's article on: HuffPost Comments: Addressing Concerns About Our Community Moderator Badge.
Here is what I said.
Needless to say, they still scrubbed the post with no explanation as to why.
It seems that it's okay to paint Israelis and Jews as less than human, but when it's done back, the gang mentality rules.
Anything to do with the Middle east is contentious, like tight rope walking. Like a Fiddler on the roof even. I have had stuff zapped too.